
Do you think anyone can improvise?
Yes, I do! It’s a natural way of acting. Improvisation is basically nothing more than the act of responding to the situation at hand, using whatever tools or resources you can draw on at that given moment. If you just take it easy and don’t put too much pressure on yourself to create great theatre or comedy, then all you really need to do is to pay attention to yourself and your stage partners and use your imagination.

I believe that good improvisation is effortless. That doesn’t mean that there’s no effort involved; like other performers, you still have to train your body and voice to express physically and vocally what you feel and what’s in your mind. When you see improvised theatre, you’re witnessing the active creativity and imagination of each individual on stage.

Read the full interview here: In the Spotlight: Caspar Schjelbred, actor, mime and clown, City Savvy, Luxembourg.
Date of publication: 25.11.2016

What’s the connection, for you, between the big questions about humanity and physical theatre?

I see the theatre studio as a laboratory of practical philosophy. You practice how to make sense of – literally create – your life here and now. The work in the studio gives me hints for the rest of my life, so to speak.

What specific elements of your training have carried over into your “real” life?

It’s hard to tell. I always did it for real-life purposes. I’m more interested in being a good person than a good actor.… Anything that “blocks” me on stage is the same as what blocks me in life. The sticking points are the same.

Read the full interview here: The Attentive Body, Elaine Konopka
Date of publication: 03.04.2016

Quelque chose en français, s’il vous platît ?

Ce qui compte c’est l’engagement de tout mon être. Avec cet exercice, ou principe, j’ai appris l’art improbable de me surprendre moi-même ; que la créativité est sans fin ; qu’il y a toujours quelque chose, quelque part, en moi. J’apprends à être généreux avec moi-même. Et plus je le suis, plus je peux donner à mes partenaires de jeu, et plus nous pouvons donner aux spectateurs – c’est mathématique !

Read the full interview here: Impro-Bretagne – 7 questions au coach… Caspar Schjelbred
Date of publication: 11.04.2014

In-depth article on the French blog Improrama: Caspar Schjelbred – Le clown romantique
Date of publication: 01.01.2018